Muslims working in Japan was invited faced with prejudice Iftar

Law socialize with the Islamic world

Muslims working in Japan was invited faced with prejudice Iftar What is Islam In general, it is said that [the Islamic world is difficult to understand], but when I say why do not know, it is clearly that is better and, two minutes into the better to try to capture the modern Islam to explain Islam itself I think that's why. In 0 years, the Middle East in the form of the United States and Iraq to confront (the fetus) ([the Gulf War]) is attracting the world's attention, causing the (US central terrorist attacks)] is in New York bin Laden to 00 years, This confrontation with the United States. This by [the United States and confrontation], I very newsworthy (value) is raised. When happened, the media locates become Ki doing experts of Islamic studies, but [this is exactly me explain what it] begged and, critics of some of the people who have come out well in the mass media , foraging the familiar textbook [essentially what is Islam? ] It is a translation that was looking for that. In a state in which the contents written in there is not even know [what time of the era Islam of the], usually, the researchers study the results of the Western (traditional Islamic view) had been described to the original.
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