Muslims working in Japan was invited faced with prejudice Iftar

Muslims working in Japan, was invited faced with prejudice Iftar

Muslims working in Japan was invited faced with prejudice Iftar Muslims working in Japan (Muslim) has been increasing. Or religious rules and customs looks like, because it is not well known, is also less that seems confused in the workplace. Working for Japanese companies, fasting month [Ramadan] (this year from sunset date about months) introduces an example of a Muslim who spent, consider how to easy environment to work. Break Ramadan dinner wall A company of Mr. B () is, it is Uzbekistan-born Muslims. Japan in 00 years to learn Japanese in my home country, was joined in years. The company's production headquarters procurement center, has been planning the procurement strategy of the materials to be used at home and abroad. In the midst of Ramadan this year, I was planning the B's is an event. After fasting during the day in Ramadan, open a dinner that [Iftar] after sunset. But for each other deepen the relatives and friends and ties, but invited the Japanese employees and their families hosting the Iftar in the company, was considered trying to get a better understanding of the Muslims.
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